Cinematography for fashion and luxury industry
Digital Marketing, E-commerce and Influencer Marketing Lab
Access to the creation of the greatest art of motion image for fashion and luxury
Cuenta historias en movimiento que puedan ser utilizadas por marcas y proyectos de moda en nuestro programa de cinematografía para moda y lujo. Aprende las herramientas del séptimo arte para transformar tu visión en narrativas visuales que trascienden los límites tradicionales.
Este programa es para gente que quiere:
Programa On-Live
Lecciones en video en vivo conversión grabada -
6 meses - 72 horas de estudio
Semanal: sesiones en vivo de 2 h y 1 h de revisión de proyectosTotal: 44 h teoría, 28 h práctica -
Construye un portafolio
Desarrolla fashion films del0 a 100%: -
Certificación laboral
- OCDE Standards
- Certificación laboral con validez gubernamental
Crece con los mejores
Profesores de nivel directivo superior conMás de 10 años de experiencia real en la industria -
Diseñado para tí
Pattern brakers, emprendedores creativos, profesionales del marketing y la moda, artistas y principiantes que buscan unirse a la industria. -
Idioma: Eapañol
Los estudiantes internacionales de todos los países son bienvenidos. -
Acercamiento Constructivista
Desarrolla las habilidades que necesitas cuando las necesites -
Perspectiva global
Intercambia experiencias con un grupo internacional de estudiantes y tutores.
On-Live program
Live video lessons with
recorded version -
6 months - 72
study hours- Weekly: 3 h live sessions
- Total: 44 h theory,
28 h practice
Build a portfolio
Develop Your E-commerce Project from 0 to 100%: -
Completion certificate
- OCDE Standards
- Labor certification
with government
Grow with
the bestUpper manager level tutors with
10+ years of real industry experience -
for youCreative entrepreneurs, e-commerce curious and business owners looking to join the fashion industry -
Language: English
International students from all countries are welcome -
Constructive approach
Develop the skills you need when you
need them -
Global Perspectives
Exchange with experiences with your international team of students and tutors
Este programa está diseñado para personas:
Fusión de arte y moda:
Aprenderás a combinar las técnicas cinematográficas con las exigencias estéticas y narrativas de la industria de la moda y el lujo.
Narrativas visuales Impactantes:
Adquirirás habilidades para crear historias visuales que cautiven y comuniquen la esencia y el estilo de marcas de moda y lujo.
Acceso a profesionales del sector de la cinematografía:
Oportunidad de colaborar y aprender de expertos y profesionales establecidos en la industria cinematográfica que te ayudaran a poner tus ideas en movimiento.
Actualización en tendencias y prácticas innovadoras:
Serás parte de las últimas tendencias y prácticas en la cinematografía aplicada a la moda y el lujo, asegurando que tu trabajo sea relevante y actual.
Únete a una comunidad de gente como tú
Aplicación Práctica y Proyectos Reales:
Experiencia práctica a través de proyectos que te permitirán aplicar tus habilidades cinematográficas en contextos del mundo real.
Contenido del programa
Meet your tutors
Nuestra filosofía educativa
Nuestra Metodología y Pedagogía
Libera tu potencial.
La especialidad en moda y lujo.
Obtén un certificado único o eleva tus credenciales a una especialidad con Hasta 6 certificaciones, ¡Con un incremento mínimo de precio!

Certificados TALLER
TALLER es un agente externo de capacitación de la Secretaría del Trabajo y Seguridad Social del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. Todos nuestros programas ofrecen certificación laboral con validez gubernamental, sin embargo nuestro enfoque principal en la educación está en tus experiencias de la vida real y habilidades relevantes para las necesidades actuales de la industria de la moda. Normalmente, un solo programa de certificación dura entre 6 y 7 meses, con la posibilidad de unirse a la semana de inmersión o a la especialización.
What our students say
TALLER taught me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to, that I have many abilities, talents, and that I can do it. Above all, it showed me that I have my own style with which I can change the world.
Conversations go beyond mere trends and delve into economics, production processes, textile biases, the genuine history behind aesthetics, and a somewhat unfamiliar or misunderstood word within Mexican fashion circles: "market." (...) TALLER aims to formulate a response to the challenges facing the industry, addressing issues from creation to commercialization.
This educational institution aims to transform the way education operates in our country by fostering the productive, creative, and competitive development of students within the fashion industry in Mexico. Whether you're a student or a professional, Taller FDP has something for you.
desarrollando la industria
con nosotros
Frequently asked questions
What can I do after finishing the program?
- Strategic E-commerce Specialist: As a graduate of this program you will be well-equipped to assume roles as strategic e-commerce specialists, armed with in-depth knowledge of economic paradigms, historical transitions, and the intricacies of online marketplaces. You will be able to devise effective strategies, navigate legalities, and optimize the online presence of businesses.
- Digital Marketing Expert: With a solid foundation in digital marketing, you’ll be able to step into roles as digital marketing experts. Your proficient in SEO/SEM, email marketing, paid advertising and social media strategies, will enable you to drive online visibility and engagement.
- Innovative Brand Builders: Armed with insights from brand building and storytelling modules, you will be able to craft and communicate brand identities authentically. You will graduate with a portfolio filled with real-life examples of your project work.
- Influencer Marketing Strategists: Graduates are well-prepared to step into roles as influencer marketing strategists. They understand market behavior trends, audience analysis, and effective strategies for brand elevation through influencers, allowing them to navigate the dynamic world of social influence.
- E-commerce Entrepreneurs: Equipped with a holistic understanding of e-commerce, from its economic paradigms to digital marketing strategies, you will be able to venture into entrepreneurship. You will have the knowledge to develop and manage their online projects, ensuring success from conceptualization to full implementation.
What is the entrance level to enroll into the program?
We do not require a specific education level to study in TALLER, however our programs are designed for motivated people who are serious about their education and career in fashion. You need to be able to study in English, have a semi or professional photo camera and have time for weekly 3 hour live sessions and practical photo assignments
Do I need to have an experience in marketing to join the program?
What is an on-live program?
On-live program means weekly live Zoom sessions with your tutor and the study group. You can join the live sessions or watch the class in recording. We strongly encourage you to attend the live sessions to get the most of this education, however all the live sessions are available in recording to watch at your own pace later.
What is the on-live sessions schedule?
- California (PT): Commences at 6:00 AM PT and concludes at 9:00 AM PT.
- Tokyo (JST): Starts at 12:00 AM JST (next day) and finishes at 3:00 AM JST (next day).
- London (GMT): Kicks off at 2:00 PM GMT and wraps up at 5:00 PM GMT.
Taking time zones into consideration will ensure you don't miss out on any part of the sessions!
What should I do if I can't join the on-live sessions?
All the sessions will be recorded for you to access at your convenience if you cannot attend them live. However, it is necessary to submit a minimum of 80% of the required projects to qualify for a certificate.
What are the enrollment payment options?
Single Payment: Free enrollment fee with a 30% discount on the total program cost.
Monthly Payment: You will pay a USD 99 enrollment fee at the beginning and seven installments of USD 275. Your payments will start when the program begins and we will bill you automatically every month. Plus, for a limited time, we're offering a $25 USD discount on your monthly payment.